Dear Parents/Carers,
We will be open tomorrow (Tuesday 12th December) with a delayed start time. School will be open from 9.30am onwards - please do not arrive before this time. Registration will stay open until 10am. This will enable extra time for parents and children to get safely to school. Footpaths on the school site will be cleared and salted but please be extra careful on the pavements down School Lane as they may be icy from the drop in temperature predicted tonight. Please take extra care and do not rush.
On arrival at school, children will need to follow the cleared pathway across the KS1 playground and enter through the hall doors. Here they will be met by a member of staff who will guide them to their classroom.
Due to the drop in temperature overnight, the situation will be reviewed early tomorrow morning. Please check the school website before setting off for any updates.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
***Year 4 swimming will not be going ahead
***KS1 panto trip will be going ahead