Children are encouraged to develop a love for reading from a very early age. We have daily reading sessions in class: Drop Everything and Read (DEaR), book time and a weekly library session.
Pupils will develop their phonic knowledge through the teaching of phonics following the Essential Letters and Sounds Programme. This is a DfE approved programme, which will provide our children with a consistent and systematic programme for learning to read.
Children take part in daily Phonics lessons in their classes and will be taught the skills to read effectively. We assess children’s reading skills every 6 weeks and provide extra sessions for children who require extra support.
The books that children read in school and at home are matched to our Reading/ Phonics Programme, and therefore will be exactly linked to each child’s reading ability.
They will take two books home a week:
Pupils will be taught letters and harder to read words following the Essential Letters and Sounds programme. They will also be taught to blend and segment simple words.
Years 1 and 2
Pupils will build on their phonic knowledge from Reception class. They will start the year revising sounds taught at the end of the previous year and develop their phonic knowledge learning alternate pronunciations for letters. This will develop into learning spelling patterns in Year 2 following on from ELS Phonics to ELS Spelling. They will also continue to develop their understanding of what they have read through whole class reading sessions.
Years 3 to 6
For those children who need to continue to develop their phonic skills, lessons will take place in years 3 and 4. ELS Progress follows on from the ELS Phonics Programme in EYFS and KS1.
Pupils will develop the comprehension aspect of reading through Reading VIPERS. These are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts.
VIPERS stands for
Sequence or Summarise
Pupils explore a variety of high-quality texts, often linked to their topic, through whole class reading sessions.
For more information please contact the subject co-ordinator, Miss Cross, alternatively please look at your child's class page.