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Waddesdon Village

Primary School

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Intent Statement

At Waddesdon Village Primary we are passionately committed to providing the very best for our children, our families and our staff. Teamwork and creating nurturing environment is crucial and underpins everything we do. Open and positive communication is key for us to help our children reach their full potential. We believe working together with the school and wider community is vital for all stakeholders to feel valued and involved in our common goal.

Through our school values we want all members of our community to:

  • Believe in themselves

  • Feel proud and recognise their achievement

  • Be resilient to challenges they may face

  • Have compassion for themselves and others

  • Feel comfortable and happy in their learning environment

  • Feel supported by the whole school community

What effective mental health intervention means to us?

  • Attendance is important, we can nurture and teach when our children are here.
  • Our children feel a sense of belonging to our school and feel safe here.
  • Our children feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems without feeling any stigma.
  • Our children learn best when there are clear rules and simple consequences.

Expectations of each other

  • Communicate with all relevant staff when a child is concerned.
  • Speak to our children, staff and each other with courtesy, respect and understanding.
  • Be aware of and follow the behaviour policy.
  • Weekly PSHCE lessons along with a social, emotional and mental health activity.


Our aims are to remove the stigma around mental health and promote a safe environment, where our children feel they can discuss their emotions and feel equipped with coping strategies when necessary. We believe prevention and early intervention is key and the staff in our school are dedicated to implementing whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.

At WVPS we follow a three stage approach:


Wave 1

As part of the curriculum


Mindfulness sessions

Daily emotional check in – Zones of Regulation

PSHE curriculum

Growth mind-set

Ethos embedded throughout the school

Mental health ambassadors (break-times and lunchtimes)

Musical Fridays (lunch time music)

Job monitors

Quiet space with sensory toys

Pupil parliament

Movement breaks

Wake and shake (KS1)

Worry monsters (KS1) Worry box (KS2)

Yoga (KS1)                                                              

Wave 2

Around the curriculum


Lego therapy

Time to talk

Friendship intervention

Social stories

Fidget/ stress toys

ELSA Support



Wave 3

Outside of the curriculum


Family liaison officer






The 52 Lives ‘Kind School’ Pledge

We are extremely excited to be a 52 Lives Kind School!


As a 52 Lives Kind School, we pledge our commitment to encouraging a culture of kindness in our classrooms: including both kindness to ourselves and to others.

We understand kindness is a powerful agent for positive change, so the kindness demonstrated within our school will ripple out into our homes, the local community and ultimately the world.

We believe kindness is not just about single kind acts, but rather an attitude and approach to life that threads through everything we do and every interaction we have.

We understand the important role kindness plays in boosting children’s mental and physical health.

We believe that ‘Kind’ is the most important thing a person can be.


More information on the charity 52 Lives can be found on their website. 

