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Meet The Governors

The Governing Body

The Governing Body of Waddesdon Village Primary School is formed of people from all walks of life - from parents of children in the School, to members of the local community who want to give something to the School.

All give their time, free of charge, endeavouring to ensure that your child’s education is the best it can be.

The Governing Body carries out its responsibilities by setting targets, challenging the way things are done and by adopting and checking that relevant policies are being implemented.

Regular meetings take place together with the Headteacher.

The Governing Body meets nine times a year where the Headteacher Report, Finance and Personnel and Curriculum are reported on. 

Structure of the Full Governing Body

Full Governing Body comprises of: 3 Staff including Headteacher; 1 LA; 2 parents and 3 Co-opted.

SHARON MATHEOU currently has 1 child attending Waddesdon Village Primary School and she would like to help make a difference to the children of our school and the local community.

Having 15 years experience as a successful business owner, Sharon feels that her experience gained over the years will be of value to Waddesdon Village Primary School.  

Open to ideas and training Sharon looks forward to learning more about the education system at Waddesdon Primary.

Sharon shows an interest in the school , being a member of local committees,  helping where she can and being an active member of the PTA.  Sharon hopes these demonstrate her commitment to supporting the school and local community.

Sharon has been a parent/Vice Chair of Governors at her children’s previous school since 2015 where she served on many committee’s and enjoyed taking on the challenge of oversight for Pupil Premium, Child Protection, Equalities, Performance Management and SEND.

Sharon believes that sharing best practice, knowledge and values are pivotal to enhancing the opportunities of every student.

Sharon will continue to offer the school the support it needs and proposes to be a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team by asking questions and constructively challenging their work to ensure that the school is not only achieving for every child, but also constantly striving to exceed for every child.


CategoryResponsibilityTerm of OfficeRegister of InterestsRelationship with School StaffGovernance roles in other educational institutions
Co-optedChair, Child Protection, Attendance, HTPM




Parent of a child in this schoolNoneNone


CHANTELLE HAWKINS was born and grew up in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire. She attended university in London and worked in the capital for many years before returning back to live locally in Aylesbury.  

Her professional background includes Project Management and Market Shaping and she now works for a Google Ads Agency called Admiah Digital.  Chantelle is married and has a daughter at Waddesdon Village Primary School. She is excited to offer her wide range of working knowledge and contribute towards the strategic planning of the school.

Chantelle loves music, adores singing (much to the annoyance of her family), enjoys meeting new people and is friendly and approachable.

CategoryResponsibilityTerm of Office


Of Interests


With School 


Governance roles in other educational institutions
Parent Gov.Equalities, Health and Safety




Parent of a child in this schoolNoneNone


LUCY THOMPSON has been working in the Pharmaceutical Industry for over 20 years in Research and Development. Lucy joins the Governing body as an Associate Governor and has a particular interest in Science and STEM subjects.

She has two children who are currently at Waddesdon CofE School and previously attended Waddesdon Village Primary School and has an interest in how a school works and using her skills accordingly to support the school. In her spare time she enjoys running, cycling and walking with her family and their dog 'Willow'.  




ResponsibilityTerm of OfficeRegister Of InterestsRelationship With School Staff Governance roles in other educational institutions
Co-optedCurriculum, Well-being, HTPM






ROWAN MOODIE is a Public Relations professional with over 20 years' experience working at many high-profile organisations including WWF-UK, the Guardian Media Group and UCL. She is currently the Media Relations Manager for the UCL Institute of Education and has a strong interest in education research. As well as promoting research to the press, she leads on media training and has written a book about football.

After many years living and working all over the world, including in India, Nigeria, Brazil and Thailand, Rowan moved to the village with her family in 2018. She currently has two children at Waddesdon Village Primary School.  




ResponsibilityTerm of OfficeRegister Of InterestsRelationship With School Staff Governance roles in other educational institutions
LACurriculum, PE and Pupil Premium




Parent of children in this schoolNoneNone


ESTE BANFIELD has been working in education for over 25 years. She has two children one in Waddesdon Village Primary School and one in Waddesdon Church of England School. She has been teaching in a Special Education School in London for 16 years and been part of the senior leadership team for the last 8 years of working there. She has a broad understanding and experience of supporting pupils with a variety of additional needs. In order to do this job properly, you have to be able to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure that all professionals work towards the same goal for the pupils.

She then on moving to Buckinghamshire undertook the specialism in vision impairment. She is currently a QTVI (Qualified Teacher of the Vision Impaired). This is a peripatetic role visiting many different schools across Buckinghamshire. She is enjoying mastering the language of Braille!

Este’s passion is to ensure all pupils have ‘access to learn’ and then ‘learn to access’ no matter what barriers they face. She is excited to offer her wide range of knowledge and experience to assist in the strategic running of the school.




ResponsibilityTerm of OfficeRegister Of InterestsRelationship With School Staff Governance roles in other educational institutions
Parent Gov.SEND and EYFS




Parent of a child in this schoolNoneNone