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Geography Subject on a Page

Please refer to the 'Policy' and 'Yearly Overview' attached as well as the class  'Curriculum Overview' documents found under each 'class page' tab for specific topic and learning areas.



Geography in the foundation stage is taught as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year and the children determine many of the topics taught based on their own interests and play preferences.  The statutory framework for the early years foundation stage 2021 Understanding the World learning area will be followed. The curriculum opens a child’s mind up to what they can learn about events, people and places via a play based, self-discovery approach. 


Year 1 to 6
Under the Geography Curriculum at our school, the ‘Thresholds and Milestones’ concepts - pupils should be taught about:

  • Investigating places and locations
  • Investigating physical/human features and patterns
  • Communicate geographically


All  All year groups will make direct cross-curricula links with other subjects and literature including core class texts, where possible. 

WVPS Curriculum, under our school Curriculum Map, pupils will be taught about:


Year 1 

  • The United Kingdom
  • Hot/Cold Countries in relation to the equator 
  • Exploring the local area

Year 2 

  • Continents and Oceans
  • Local Area
  • Maps and Plans


Year 3

  • UK - Geographical regions and features
  • Local field work
  • Rainforest


Year 4

  • Europe (Spain/France link)
  • Natural Disasters - Mountains, Earthquakes and Volcanoes
  • Mapping


Year 5

  • Local Area
  • Countries and Continents
  • Geographical location and features


Year 6 

  • Europe
  • Maps & Symbols
  • South America & Rivers
  • Greece/UK geographical features

For more information please contact the subject leader, Miss Foster, alternatively please look at your child's class page.
