At Waddesdon Village Primary School (WVPS), we aim for high quality teaching and learning, and believe that at the heart of this is effective assessment, underpinned by our belief that all pupils can succeed.
Pupil’s attainment and progress is tracked termly through our online learning system called ‘Insight’. This system has been designed especially for Waddesdon Village Primary School to consider:
* WVPS newly designed curriculum
* WVPS Assessment Milestones and Threshold Concepts
* National Curriculum expectations
Using a range of formative assessment teachers will make termly point in time assessments in Reading, Writing and Maths against the school’s threshold concepts for each strand covered that term. Teachers will then make an overall teacher assessment for these core subjects against WVPS key stage milestones.
Each term teachers will make a point in time teacher assessment for PE, Computing, Science and foundation subjects. These judgements will be informed by using a range of formative assessment and the use of the WVPS threshold/milestones document.
To support teacher judgements further, pupils in years 2 - 6 will take part in termly testing in English and Maths.
Attainment of pupils will be reported to parents as:
GD |
Greater depth standard for time of year and year group
Expected standard for time of year and year group
WT |
Working towards the expected standard for time of year and year group
B |
Working below expected standard for time of year and year group
WVPS use a point in time assessment system which means that progress is tracked from previous assessments to ensure pupils are on track and making good progress.
Progress will be reported to parents as:
Better than expected progress
Expected progress
B |
Below expected progress