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Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders are from classes 5 and 6. They support other classes during computing lessons, develop their own computing skills and think of ideas of how our school can enjoy technology and remain safe online. 

Listen to 'The Wad Cast'

Episode 11

Class 2 had a visitor from The Great Fire of London!

Episode 10

Class 4 have been to a dance workshop.

Episode 9

Class 1 tell us about their time in Wendover Woods.

Episode 8

Class 5 share their experience of the Chiltern Open Air Museum with our Digital Leaders.

Episode 7

Class R tell us all about meeting a dinosaur and class give a summary of this term's KS2 inter-house sports afternoon.

Episode 6

We hear from Class 3 and Class 4 about their recent performance of 'Go for Gold'

Episode 5

Mr Mitchener talks about his career as a music and French teacher.

Episode 4

Class R tell us about their trip to the moon and Class 6 explain the highlights of their recent visit to the River and Rowing Museum.

Episode 3

Miss Forchione tells us all about being our Headteacher.

Episode 2

Class 4 tell us about their Woodrow trip and Class 5 talk about their visit to iFly.

Episode 1

Class 1 and Class 2 tell the Digital Leaders about their recent trips.