House Points
At Waddesdon Village Primary School, as part of our positive behaviour management, children are grouped into houses and are awarded house points for demonstrating good learning and positive behaviours.
Our houses are Ascott (red), Claydon (blue), Hartwell (green) and Mentmore (yellow).
House captains collect house tokens on a weekly basis and these are added to the token collector in the school hall. At the end of each half-term the winning house enjoy an afternoon of activities.
Children also work together as a house, at different points in the year, including during Sports Day and World Book Day for example and a cup is awarded to the winning team.
Golden Tokens
At Waddesdon Village Primary School we pride ourselves on our positive relationships. We treat each other with mutual respect and work in a climate where openness and inclusion lay foundations for our values to be built upon.
Values Education underpins all aspects of our school life and gives staff and pupils the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the values in life that they believe in. At the beginning of each half term, we base our assemblies and PSHCE on a different value, e.g. Perseverance, Achievement, Tolerance, Honesty, Well-being, Aspiration. Pupils understand that these values are important if people in our society are going to live happily together.
The monthly value is displayed in large letters in the School Office area. Children are rewarded for displaying these values with ‘golden tokens’. These tokens are added to the token collector in the school hall and contribute to the half-termly reward for the winning house.
Star of the Week
Star of the Week is presented in whole school celebration assemblies on a Friday for showing positive behaviour, including demonstrating a growth mindset, good work, for example, challenging themselves both in and out of the classroom. Stars meet as a group for juice and biscuits in the staff room.
Reading, Writing and Mathematics Awards
On a Friday assembly, excellent work in reading, writing and mathematics is shared with the whole school. Children are presented with a certificate and their success is celebrated.
The Achievement Tree
Children record their successes on a leaf and this is added to our 'Achievement Tree'. Achievements are recorded in 'Achievement Books' and for every 3 achievements, children are celebrated in a whole school assembly.