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Art and D.T.

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Year 1 - Art and DT are taught with cross curricular links. Children will be exploring the work of Katsushika Hokusai and uses a range of mediums to recreate a similar style of picture. They will create their own sculptures, collages and working toys. The children will reflect upon their designs and discuss what they are proud of. They will be exploring where food comes from and creating their own dishes focusing on simple cooking techniques.


Year 2 - Children will undertake art units on drawing and painting. They will be looking at the genre of Pop Art in particular the work of Roy Lichtenstein. In DT they will make vehicles, linked to their key text 'Meerkat Mail' and explore different types of mechanisms. The Year 2 food technology will be making healthy wraps, understanding where each of the ingredients come from.


Year 3 - Year 3 will be using their key texts of ‘Where the Forest meets the Sea’ and ‘Tin Forest’ to look into the work of Henri Rosseau. They will recreate their own pieces exploring different drawing and shading techniques. Year 3 will also work clay to create sculptures linked to the work of Antony Gormly. In DT the children will creating bug hotels, beginning to produce annotated sketches, cross-sectional drawings and exploded diagrams to develop and communicate their ideas. Linked to their Romans topic they will be sewing their own pouches thinking about different ways that they can join the fabrics. Year 3’s food technology will also fit in with this topic and they will be exploring and making dishes that the Roman’s would have eaten.


Year 4 - The children will be exploring the life and work of David Hockney, they will use a number of brush techniques using thick and thin brushes to produce shapes, textures, patterns and lines. Linking to their key text ‘Wind in the Willows’ they will be creating a range of collages using natural materials. In DT the children will be using woodwork skills to create their own Anglo-Saxon boats, making sure that they can explain their choice of tools and equipment in relation to the skills and techniques they will be using. Year 4 food and technology will apply a range of techniques such as peeling, chopping, slicing, grating, mixing, spreading, kneading and baking to recreate Anglo-Saxon food.


Year 5 - In Art, Year 5 will use a choice of techniques to depict movement, perspective, shadows and reflection in the style of Van Gogh. As part of their Egyptian topic the children will design and make their own Death Masks. In DT, Year 5 will be learning about a wide range of inventors, designers, engineers and manufacturers who have developed ground-breaking products linking to flying machines. They will then use their knowledge to create their own planes. 


Year 6 - In Art the children will be using their knowledge through their Mayans topic to recreate some printed images thinking about how they can build up layers. They will be studying the life and works of Paul Nash and how different brush techniques can create texture. In DT year 6 will look at applying the skills that they have built up throughout their school life to up-cycle an old item of clothing. They will need to indicate the design features of their products that will appeal to intended users and carry out research to inform their planning. Year 6 food technology will look into how different food and drink contain different substances, such as, nutrients, water and fibre and how these are needed for a healthy balance diet.

For more information please contact the subject co-ordinators, Mrs Tennant and Mrs Pullinger, alternatively please look at your child's class page.
