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All pupils experience high quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry that inspires and engages them.



In Reception, children will develop writing skills by learning how to write letters correctly. They will spell simple words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters. They will also write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others.

They are taught phonics daily following the Essential Letters and Sounds programme that develops their segmenting skills for spelling simple words. It also teaches children how to write the letters taught. 


Years 1 and 2

Children learn to write freely and creatively in a variety of writing styles, for a range of purposes and audiences.

During year 1, pupils will build on learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage. They will identify the sounds they hear in words to develop their spelling skills, develop the physical skill needed for handwriting, and learn how to organise their ideas in writing. By the end of Year 2 pupils will be able to write for a purpose. They will focus on writing correctly punctuated sentences and use imaginative description. They will develop their ability to spell words containing taught phonemes, spell common exception words and apply simple spelling rules. Letters will be formed correctly and they will begin to join some letters.


Pupils in Year 1 and 2 are also taught Phonics daily following the Essential Letters and Sounds programme. These sessions will move on to a spelling focus in January of Year 2, following 'The Spelling Book' approach by Jane Considine. It is a system that is based on strong phonics teaching with a focus on teaching pupils the connections between words, sound associations, etymology and patterns. 


We teach children to develop a fluent and legible handwriting style. Initially we teach the children to form letters correctly. By the end of Year 1 they will be writing using a pre-cursive script. By the end of year 2 they will be using a cursive script, joining some letters. All pupils will have at least three handwriting sessions each week.


Years 3 to 6

Pupils have the opportunity to explore and practise both spoken and written language through Jane Considine’s Approach, ‘The Write Stuff’. The lessons provide pupils with the skills they require to successfully communicate their thoughts, ideas and emotions. They develop pupil’s understanding of grammar, syntax and vocabulary. The writing process in early lessons in units of work are scaffolded for success using three zones of writing: FANTASTICS, GRAMMARISITICS and BOOMTASTICS.

The FANTASTICS are used to structure children’s ideas and target their thinking by focussing on the vocabulary used.

The GRAMMARISTICS focus on the importance of accurate grammar.

The BOOMTASTICS focus on the art of writing, using a range of literary devices where pupils add flair to their writing. These lessons are then followed by independent writing where pupils plan, write, edit and review their work.  


Each class will have regular spelling sessions following 'The Spelling Book' Approach by Jane Considine and handwriting sessions where needed. 



Useful Websites

For more information please contact the subject co-ordinator, Mrs Leslie, alternatively please look at your child's class page.
