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Reading Rocket Challenge

The Reading Rocket Challenge is an exciting reading challenge for all children to take part in. It is important to note that this has not replaced our reading scheme but runs alongside for those children who would like to take part.


We are continuing develop a curriculum that is underpinned by reading and within this we are striving to encourage children to read for pleasure as well as reading widely.


The Reading Rocket Challenge comprises of a set of books for EYFS and KS1; Years 3 and 4; Years 5 and 6 (please see book lists). The set book lists are made up of a range of genres including traditional literature, science fiction and fantasy to name a few. All children will be presented with a tracking booklet where they record books read. These are signed off by a teacher once comprehension has been assessed. There is a reward system in place to encourage the children to read a wide variety of books and to celebrate their achievements:


3 books read – bronze award (raffle ticket awarded)

6 books read – silver award (raffle ticket awarded)

10 books read – gold award (raffle ticket awarded)


At the end of each term, 2 raffle tickets will be drawn and those drawn will receive a £10 book voucher and a book. 


When you are in school, please do take a look at our Reading Rocket Challenge display in the library. There are also some photographs attached to this page.


Children are enjoying the challenge:

Last year, the Reading Rocket Challenge made an appearance encouraging many children to start reading. Now, many children in WVPS are reading amazing and wonderful books. Every time a child reads 3 books they are awarded a certificate, book mark and a raffle ticket. At the end of the term, a Year 6 will pick a raffle ticket at random, and the lucky child will get a voucher to spend on books. Your child can get bronze, silver and gold. Keep going. Encourage your child to get reading!



Recently, our school has introduced the Reading Rocket Challenge. This is all about getting us to read a bit more. There are separate books for class R, 1+2 and 3+4 and 5+6. Once we have read the book we explain to the teacher what it was all about and it gets recorded in our reading rocket booklets. Once we have three recorded books we get a bronze award, six for a silver and nine for a gold. So far we have been awarded a bronze award.

I think that this scheme is a good way to keep us children reading and giving us a brilliant imagination.



We hope that you can work with us to encourage your child to take part.

The Reading Rocket Challenge board is covered with reading stars!

Reading Rocket Challenge display
