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Remote Learning

Fortunately, snow days in our area are rare and, because of this, are days that many families cherish. However, the remote-learning option is made possible because of the groundwork laid over the past couple of years. We are now prepared for and have become accustomed to switching to remote learning. 


If the school is closed, we will offer remote learning provision as set out below.


Day 1: learning will be set on the school website under ‘Class Pages’.

In EYFS – a phonics and topic activity

In Classes 1 and 2 – a phonics, maths and English activity

In Classes 3 to 6 – a SPaG, maths and English activity


Day 2 onwards: live lessons will commence on Teams.

Outline of the Day - Teams live lessons timetable:

Class 6

8am and 11.05am

Class 5

8.25am and 11.30am

Class 4

8.50am and 12noon

Class 3

9.15am and 12.30pm

Class 2

9.40am and 1pm

Class 1


Class R



Further, more detailed information can be found in our Remote Learning Policy below. 

For children who are unable to attend school for a short time but parent preference is for their child to complete home learning, activities linked to the curriculum can be found on the 'Class Pages' section of the school website. 
